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New Connections

Need some cabling done for a new phone for that phone line? We can help with all your cabling requirements for phone/computer (data) and internet. See our cabling section for more info or call us.

Need fibre optic cabling carrier out for your business? Talk to us today so we can provide you with a quotation.

Cabling requirements

Need your internet hooking up as well? We can help out. If it's for residential at home or for your business, we can get you up and running with internet. Don't have a modem/router or not sure what one even is? Talk to us so we can advise on the best solution for you. Often people will buy the cheapest they can find from stores such as Officeworks but these are not always the best solution to your business and in fact if not configured correctly can leave you open to attacks on any wireless connection you have and also you local network.

Today many people are working from home and wish to access the office remotely. We can offer advice on the best solution. Want to work on that important document while you think of it but it's stored at work? That's no problem we can assist with the setup of a remote connection.

Shared internet via wireless is very popular today and becoming even more so as equipment offers better speeds and connections. We can perform site inspections to work out any cabling requirements for wireless devices (as the transmitters still need a cable!)

Setting up the internet

If you have any new phone lines that need connecting we can certainly carry out this work for you. Please see our call plans sections as you may find the call rates and line rental for a new line very attractive. If you have a new line which a carrier such as Telstra has connected, often it will be brought to the main distribution frame which is not at the location where you want the line. Often you will want to add it to your telephone system or for ADSL internet or something similar. We can do this work for you.

Line connections and internet setup

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