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NBN is coming...check your address

The national broadband network is rolling out and slowly but surely reaching more homes and businesses.

Below is a link to find out if your address is ready for the NBN:-

So what is the NBN?

The NBN uses optical fibre into your premises which means a much faster and reliable internet connection. How many times have you been sat there waiting for something to download? With the NBN you will have a lightning fast internet connection.

So what does this mean for communications?

Traditionally businesses have been using standard copper line technology for their lines. The copper network is an aging network using old technology. The good news is that with the birth of the NBN, services such as VOIP will become more readily available and you phone system can now use VOIP for a fast connection. Brisbane has many suburbs using the NBN and VOIP. Telstra is also using a VOIP technology called SIP to deliver many of its services now, especially to the larger clients. For the small business, you can now enjoy fast speeds using your business telephone system in Brisbane or any other city or suburb supporting the NBN.

How can French Technologies help us with the NBN?

We can help you with your telephone system by deploying VOIP lines onto your LG IPECS or 3CX phone system. If you are a business with an older phone system, we can have a chat with you about some of the more recent technology today's phone systems have to offer and slash your phone bill. You may be leasing or renting a system, this phone system rental could be out of date. Again we will analyse what you are using now and can compose a solution for you which we guarantee you will save you money!

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